Hello! It’s Jamie again, and I am your Mission Advancement Manager at the local ToolBank. I’ve wrapped up my first Annual Fund Campaign kick-off in September, where we managed to raise $1,600 in 30 days! In total, we've raised $9,681.46 this year and we've got a little over $5,300 to raise to hit our goal for 2023.
But rather than finding ways to get over the end of year fundraising hump, I'm feeling inspired by the work that our member agencies managed to put in during Q3. They didn’t let the summer heat slow them down!
As we take a look at our Q3 data, we’re absolutely impressed with the impact our Tools For Change program accomplished from July 1st - September 30th. Traditionally, the summer is a little slower as our team is focused on Hammers & Ales + our member agencies are planning large scale projects in the fall when the weather is a bit cooler!
Below is a snapshot of the achievements our #ToolsForChange member agencies have accomplished, but more importantly we're taking a moment to celebrate our amazing network of volunteers, sponsors and donors. We’ve made incredible strides in driving positive change throughout Richmond, which we couldn't have done without YOU!
Here's a snapshot of our Q3 data:
Comparing this data with Q2:
And it wouldn't be a full analysis without seeing Q1:
Seeing our impact broken down into digestible numbers truly helps me understand the significance of our Tools for Change program. I walk around our 10,000 square foot tool-lending warehouse each weekday, but to see our tools in use at a community project is one of my favorite things to witness.
At the beginning of October, I hit the road and snapped photos at two different locations (Ancarrow's Landing & Elk Hill Farm), and it was energizing being surrounded by such positive and driven volunteers that were ready to crush their to-do list. In a few hours, both volunteer groups were able to plant 30+ trees, clean up trails, rid a section of the trail from invasive species, plant native plants in freshly painted containers, build 50+ park benches & picnic tables, paint a few rooms that needed some TLC, and install new park benches over at Ancarrow's Landing. They put in the work and we supplied them with the right tools for the right job, and that is what our Tools For Change program is all about.
The combination of knowing our Q1 - Q3 impact numbers and enjoying two afternoons on-site at volunteer sites has made me feel extra thankful for what we do on a daily at our tool-lending warehouse. It also makes me even more grateful for every individual donor and corporate partners that has donated to us not only this year but in years past, because every dollar counts. Every donation, larger or small, is a force multiplier for our member agencies.
You! Yes, you, have the ability to make a significant change in Richmond by simply hitting that DONATE button on our website. Together, we can make an even greater impact and reach our goal faster than ever before. Let's continue to work together to build a better and more accessible Richmond for everyone. Every dollar counts, and every action you take brings us closer to success.
But enough reflection, signing off to enjoy some autumnal activities including witnessing the changing leaves as fall settles in along the James River. I may even enjoy a slice of apple crumble on a park bench that one of our many Building Change participants built at some point!
Until next time,
P.S. Curious to know our historical impact? We've got our 2015 - 2022 Impact Report ready for you to explore. We'll be compiling our 2023 Impact Report soon and we know that we'll continue to be impressed with the work that our Tools for Change member agencies have put in.